This blog entry in Brad Burns Fishing is the final installment of a four part series on the spring, early summer, mid-summer, and autumn seasons for salmon fishing on the Miramichi River. I hope that you have enjoyed them.  The others are right here, accessible just by scrolling down the blog page of this website. Special Alert – today, 2/26/2016 in a nearly unprecedented event the ice went out of the Miramichi and the, …Read More →

Miramichi Mid-Summer Salmon Fishing From early July on to the first week of September we are in the mid-summer salmon fishery on the Miramichi. This is the time that most people probably think of when they contemplate salmon fishing in the Atlantic Provinces, and to borrow a line from Dickens, “this is the best of times and the worst of times.” The quintessential period of warm sunny days and cool northern nights can indeed, …Read More →