Fishing Friends – this past week on the Miramichi the run was still very sparse, but it did show signs of starting to pick up with the early arrival of some pods of grilse.  Three of us fishing for three days netted two fish – one a grilse and the other a salmon of about 12 pounds.  Tim Politis caught them both.  The grilse came on a Red Francis, and the salmon on, …Read More →

Fishing Friends – two friends and I just came back from three days of fishing on the Main SW Miramichi at Campbell’s and Kennan’s Pool in Blackville, New Brunswick.   The short of it is that fishing was slow.  We did see fish each day, but we actually hooked and rolled less fish than the week before.  The difference was that this time we did put one in the net. Kent Mohnkern, on his first ever, …Read More →

  Fishing Friends – one of my old fishing pals, George Watson and I just came back from three days of fishing on the Main SW Miramichi at Campbell’s and Kennan’s Pool in Blackville, New Brunswick.  As they say in the U.K. we had “no joy.”  That is we landed no salmon, but we did come very close.  On Tuesday George had a good roll from a salmon down in the bottom of the, …Read More →

On 5/24 a Boston area friend, Ralph Vitale, and I left to fish the Varzuga and Kitsa Rivers on the Kola Peninsula in Russia.  We booked the trip last fall with Roxton’s Outfitters of England.  I had gotten great reports from fellow posters on the Salmon Forum chatroom in the U.K. about Roxton’s.    They have managed the Varzuga River salmon fishing for nearly 30 years. Standard practice for fishing the various salmon rivers, …Read More →