Fishing Friends – This is turning out to be a very difficult July for Miramichi system salmon fishing.  The temperatures since about July 10 – a handful of days accepted – have simply been too warm for decent salmon fishing.  Thankfully it has not yet been too hot for salmon survival.  Jason Curtis, who has one of the river’s best vantage points, has seen only 4 or 5 dead fish – there are always, …Read More →

Fishing Friends – just back from 10 days on the Miramichi, and to be frank the fishing was very poor. We only hooked a couple of grilse for the whole period, and I heard that the other camps from Boiestown on down were also struggling.  I have to believe that the chief culprit was water temperature.  Late June was relatively cool, and it appeared from forecasts that the good conditions would continue, but they didn’t., …Read More →