Boston MSA Dinner – on Saturday, Feb 2 at the Burlington, MA Marriot, the Miramichi Salmon Association MSA will hold its most important USA event of the year.  Without a doubt the MSA is the feet-on-the-ground organization that is working to help the Miramichi and its salmon in a variety of important and practical ways.  This dinner is a major source of funds for the MSA, and it is an annual meeting of old and new, …Read More →

The picture above was sent this morning by Jason Curtis of  the river in front of his home.  The Campbell’s Pool house is in the far upper left of the picture above.When I look out the window, and then down at the date on the corner of my computer screen, things don’t seem to mesh. We are in the middle of yet another snow storm, and this one may accumulate up to 10 inches, …Read More →

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans “DFO” salmon counting trap at Millerton on the Southwest Miramichi River is finished reporting for the year. I have put together a spread sheet below that has the number of grilse on one tab and salmon on another for each of the bi-weekly reporting dates throughout the season.  I have also charted the counts throughout the season.                       I’m not, …Read More →