Here is a photo of two, harvested sea-run brook trout sent to me yesterday by a fellow Miramichi fisher. Another friend and I spent three solid days fishing the Main South West Miramichi and the Cains up above Muzzerol. We never saw a salmon – not terribly surprising, but we had hoped – but we did get a few brookies, both sea-run and river resident. At one point Jason Curtis and I had finished, …Read More →

Springers on the Eastern side of the Atlantic and brights in Canada, different names for the earliest run salmon that are now starting in from the sea. Just this week Pete Dube and the Restigouche River Lodge reported big bright salmon from the Restigouche and Matapedia, last night Jason Curtis said that Larry Porter – manager of the Hershey Camp on the Miramichi, located about one mile upriver from Campbell’s and Keenan’s – said, …Read More →

The spring salmon season on the Miramichi is now more or less over.  It has lasted a bit longer than normal, and from my conversations with a some of the outfitters and guides who fished it nearly every day, I’d say that it was a better than average fishery for salmon and a bit below normal for grilse.  It was, though, quite satisfactory and anything but a disaster.  There were some good and consistent, …Read More →

Along with a complete c/r fishery in New Brunswick for Atlantic salmon of all sizes we have a regulation for 2015 requiring the use of single barbless hooks.  We could endlessly debate the necessity for either of these new rules, but they are now the law, and we must work with them and still enjoy our salmon fishing.  If nothing else it is undeniable that the barbless hooks will save the lives of thousands, …Read More →