Fishing Friends – I’ve got a number of items from the Atlantic salmon world to let you know about in this blog post.  First, I returned yesterday from a trip to the Serpentine River in Newfoundland, and I’ll fill you in on how that went.  Second, I have recent reports from several lodges on the Miramichi as well a look at the latest salmon and grilse numbers from the traps.  They’re quite good, especially, …Read More →

Fishing Friends – I just returned from the Miramichi where I had arrived and begun fishing on the evening of June 10th.  That first evening the river was running at a high 1.6 meters on the Blackville gauge.  That is up enough so that wading off the grass bank is generally not possible.  The salmon then are traveling upstream along the edges, and you need to cover the travel lane – there generally is, …Read More →