Another Week of Back to Back Raises We had 40mm of rain over the Miramichi and Cains River watersheds just before last week’s trip, and it brought the water level to 1.6 meters on the Blackville gauge. That was the most substantial raise in a while.  The water then dropped fairly quickly only to receive a half inch of rain again on Friday.  I’m not saying this is all bad, but every weather, …Read More →

Fishing has been generally slow on the Miramichi, with tiny amounts of rain and mostly dry and sunny conditions.  The second half of this week, though, saw a decent amount of fish moving up the lower river.  Some with sea lice were reported, but many of the fish were dark and getting them to take was no easy task.   We did manage to hook a few of them including this nice 14-pound fish that took a smaller, …Read More →

Recent Fishing Okay, but Not Remarkable I just spent 3 days at camp in Blackville fishing the Miramichi and the lower Cains. We had a decent raise of water from what seemed like quite a moderate rain, and I guess the ground up there – unlike here in Maine – was soaked from various rain events in late August.  In our section of the lower river there has been a fairly steady trickle of, …Read More →